Friday, December 8, 2006

BlogWrite for CEOs

Debbie Weil is a veteran journalist, blogger and author of The Corporate Blogging Book, which I recently aquired but haven't had a chance to read yet. She also writes an interesting blog called BlogWrite for CEOs, a great source of corporate blogging and social media links and information.

From her November 30 post on why corporations should embrace social media:

  • "The top-down, command-and-control approach to communicating a company's news and daily doings is giving way to something messier and more human. Namely, blogged bits and pieces, either from employees or from the CEO or other top execs, that tell a company's story much more effectively than any press release or official pronouncement ever could."

Another post from Novmeber 3 on advanced PR technologies in New York, some social media ideas for PR practitioners:

  • "Off the top of his head, he said, some ideas for PR folks. Use blogs, podcasts, online video for:
    - behind the scenes glimpses of corporate life
    - focus groups at Microsoft showing users trying to click and navigate confusing user interfaces
    - design prototypes
    - videos of employee's cubicles (all the stuff they hang up)
    - customer submissions (videos, fan sites, etc.)"

The sidebar of her blog has a comprehensive list of blogging CEOs.